Parenting in a High Tech World

Computer, mp3 player, radio, television . . . to our generation these are 4 different devices. To the Millenials, these are all functions of one device- their smartphone! The volume of information consumed through their phones is staggering. Through everything from videos to IMs, our kids are constantly being “taught” things but are they things you want them to learn?

Selfies, ithis and ithat, mythis and mythat- our children have been told they can have it their way and the world revolves around them (we know YOU didn’t teach them those things; media messages did!). The problem is these messages are contrary to the values and ethics Americans have always held so dear. So, what to do?!

Our experience offers hope.

High tech devices are not inherently evil but, just as a scalpel is a wonderful tool in the hands of a surgeon but a dangerous weapon in the grip of a child, devices should be considered for age appropriateness.

In this experience, learn the dangers of:

      • social media (did you know some kids have two different accounts- one they show you and the other they actually use. . . and you thought they’d been showing you EVERYTHING!)
      • video websites
      • IM

and controlling their modes of transmission:

      • smartphones
      • tablets
      • computers

Through interaction and personal reflection, develop a media plan that is both values-driven and practical!