Reshape and reform hearts and minds

Because the ones you serve want to be the best parents they can be

Life is the subject . . . You are the teacher

We are always teaching something whether we “teachers” or parents. Sometimes, we teach intentionally while others times our actions teach something quite unintentionally. EVERY great teacher (and parent!) has 7 traits. Parents will learn those 7 traits and how to develop them in themselves.

Parenting in a High Tech World

Boy, has the world changed! Today, information (including video and music) is available to our children through many high tech devices. In fact, much of it is available through a smartphone! It is important for parents to be aware of the many modes of information dissemination, the potential negative impact of much of the available information and how to monitor and limit their children’s exposure to inappropriate information. After attending this seminar, parents will be armed with information that will empower them to protect their children from the devastating spiritual, social and emotional impact of all of the things that little eyes can see.

Disccccipline is Spelled With Four Cs!

Training a child to be well disciplined is possible! It happens when a parent consistently uses effective disciplinary techniques, coupled with proper boundaries and underpinned by love. While attending this presentation, parents will learn the 4 Cs of effective discipline and how to incorporate them into their interactions with their children. Parents, the hair you have pulled out will now have a chance to grow back! The results will be immediate!

Plan for Parenting

We make plans for everything- work, vacation, that new kitchen addition, our driving route to work- but how many of us actually have a plan for raising our kids? A plan is a critical component of any venture. In this workshop, parents will learn the importance of a plan and how to develop a parenting plan of their own!

Three Principles of Parenting

Principles are universal.  They are timeless and true regardless of religion, language, nationality, race, or gender.  In fact, principles were given and revealed to us by our Creator!  Just as He gave us laws of physics, He gave us principles of parenting!  Sometimes, we continue jumping off the house believing the next time we won’t actually hit the ground and break our leg (the law of gravity is always at work). Discover three principles of parenting that can save you and your family from the pain of violating principles that are inviolable!

Obsessed with Me and satisfied with mediocrity

The world tells me that I am numero uno, number one, the most important person in the whole world and human nature tends to confirm to me that the world is right. Not only is this perspective false, it is dangerous. It can lead to a sense of entitlement and entitlement can lead to laziness. Laziness inevitably leads to unproductivity and, you guessed it . . . mediocrity! We are created to be most fulfilled when our focus is on others. This seemingly small shift in perspective will lead you and your family to the fulfillment you are seeking!