Plan for parenting

A plan is a critical part of any endeavor.  The plan creates the path to success by mapping out the route and resources necessary to get where we need to go.  Without a plan, we tend to meander as we “figure it out” along the way.  The problem is, when raising a kid and trying to “figure it out” as we go, we may be taking the wrong route.

With a plan, we can ensure we:

1. Know where we are going

2. Head in the right direction

3. Have the resources we need

4. Anticipate the barriers

5. Arrive at our destination

We know you want to develop a child who matures to be an adult with character who is a contributing member of society. Getting there is possible.

We will teach you the critical components of a plan and assist you in creating a plan for parenting your children that will get them where you want them to be.

Leave with a discipleship Plan, Digital Plan and Disccccipline Plan!